Step One: Register a Ministry Domain Name–Done!

QR Code for

After several months of prayer, contemplation, talking to other people, and searching for a similar ministry, I am starting a new ministry!

It’s crazy that step one of launching a new ministry these days is to figure out the domain name even before figuring out the name.  So, while I’m not sure the ministry name, I did register a ministry domain name:


There’s still a lot more to do, but step one is done.  Phew!

I still have to actually figure out the ministry name.  The working name, which has changed a couple times today, is “The QR Gospel Project.”  The aim is to partner with other Christians to harness QR and other modern technology to present the gospel to anyone, anywhere.  You can find out how we’ll do that by visiting the site.  It’s mostly up and running.

Once I have a name, I will have to file the articles of incorporation with the state and apply for tax exemption with the IRS.  However, I did learn that donations made after the paperwork is filed are tax deductible even before the IRS responds with the Tax-Exempt designation.  If you’re interested in becoming a partner, get in touch.

Find out more by exploring the rest of the site:  Of course, with a working name of “The QR Ministry Project,” you can also scan the QR code, too.

This is day #1.  So, check back often to see how the ministry takes shape.